Sunday, March 15, 2009

Into the Void

There is no reason for me to be here. I don't have the knowledge or charisma to get and sustain any interest, connection, or whatever it takes. Thanks to the few. If anyone comes here check out the blog-roll. Sorry for not being worthy.
Do not think of me as weak or wishy-washy or anything less than strong, fearless, and bold. Just gentile with the world and forgiving of failures as I would hope the world would forgive me.
I will retreat to Bob's corner, look out my window, and ponder.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Music to the Story in Your Eyes

It's late and I'm tired of watching a lame-ass movie about a killer giant squid that wrecks a small fishing town while emotional people point fingers at each other. I get enough of this nonsense on the evening news. The economy as a giant there's a mental image for you!
For some reason I don't fit well with the Internet crowd. Staying here and distance learning may be all there is for me.
Watching Madoff go to jail, seeing Buffet's fortune shrink to a mere 30 billion, looking into the saddened eyes of day-traders as they try to stave of well deserved losses by manipulating the Dow, etc., etc. would be entertaining if it wasn't accompanied by news of the disappearing chances for the middle class to survive. And the global plight of the poor and starving caught in the jaws of the power hungry is making me sick.
How do we solve this mess? If one listens closely you can hear the mantra of the people that lead us here. Same-old same-old. As for me, I don't think so. We need something of a change. I'm not talking of a change in political party, I'm talking change in what we want for a future.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Use, misuse

Some time in the past the credo of more knowledge is good came into being. In some cases this is true but the reality is knowledge is only as good as the purpose it serves. Or more accurately, the results of that service. This leads to the postulate that knowledge is neither good nor bad. It is benign until it is applied.

The lack of knowledge falls into the same crucible of benign existence. What we don't know may help us or hurt us depending on ourselves and others in the context of the results of not knowing. Since we will never know everything, this is as it should be as long as one acts with knowledge that both sets can be used for good as well as bad results.

This would be where wisdom comes in. And wisdom has to include not just our desires but the needs of our neighbors. Not to include the welfare of all is not wise. It's greed.

To many people assume that the knowledge they possess makes them special. This assumption is both arrogant and wrong. This perverse attitude shows up everywhere. Some of the smartest people I know of are the worst offenders. They can not help themselves mostly because they are not perfect. But even when they know that fact it seems easy for them to dismiss their dishonesty because they believe the amount of knowledge they possess makes it alright. They become defensive when challenged. Hard to disguise when you're crippled inside.

On that score, we ALL limp through life. The best of the best is still a cripple. Best to be wise and be honest. Don't try to hide the fact that you are human and therefore not perfect. You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Dust in the wind

While reading about DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS I became mad at myself. Not for things I did or didn't do, rather that I am not able to help people see that the way the world is is not how it has to be. The self-interest, the greed, the violence, serve only to perpetuate self-interest, greed, and violence. Some understand, most do not.

Being that, in the end, we are all just dust in the wind any thought of the future seems unimportant compared to today. In fact, since Today creates the future, Today needs all of our efforts to get it right. To push responsibility and/or judgement on an afterlife is the easy way out. So is thinking that no divine judgement will stop us from doing as we please.

How we treat each other today will influence how we treat each other tomorrow. The operative word here is EACH. No exceptions, no excuses, no justifications, no self preservation, just love in boundless equality.

Why people can't see that or act that way is beyond me. Is it that the way things are is so great that no one gets the short end of the stick? No one has any complaints that make sense? I don't think so.

As the global economy hiccups, maybe collapse, our eyes should open. As violent atrocities fill our world, our eyes should open. As the planet faulters in it's ability to sustain us, our eyes should open.

Doing the right thing because it is right may not be easy, but it is right for today, and therefore the future.